level 360

CRank: 5Score: 113220

I personally think all this airflow add-ons are utter rubbish, because instead of this built-in fan/s working their way to force/expel hot air from inside to out these consoles ( PS3 or XBox 360 ) that's why they go hot, what these silly clip-on fans try to do is trap the hot air from escaping thru the vents... defeating it's purpose. Quite stupid don't you think? Don't believe the hype/statistics that it will lower down the temperature. And besides I have'nt even heard of any PS3 breakdowns ...

6272d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Thought the first movie was very much true to the game, which kept all the characteristic of its very creepy story and unusual ghostly creatures and don't forget the eerie soundscape. It's quite an ( AB- ) cult-movie sort of a way, just like The Underworld series, that's why only a handful could grasp it's true nature. Hope the second one betters that, but I'm a bit sceptical w/ 2nd part movies... Love the Silent Hill games.

6272d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Include sexists as well, because your one of them bozo...

6272d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah sure, right... what a load of rubbish. Bring down the prices first, and things will change - and then put up more titles on the shelves and return force feedback on the control pads!!! Don't come-out with all your lousy false statistics - listen to your consumers, whether here in Aus. or around the globe.

6272d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I'm still waiting for Sony to drop their prices here in Oz which is far too expensive still - AU$1,000.00 console alone, and not enough games to choose from. Also I have tried playing a few PS3 ( racing ) games, very good graphics - only ruined by the exclusion of force feedback, It's just not the same w/out them. The most basic form of inter-action in racing, gone. You'ved got one of the best graphics a console can offer, and you can't even feel a thing. Heard rumors their going to bring thi...

6272d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

... Because we're all still waiting and there's nothing at the moment but this half-decent of a game... How long must we endure?!?, Please...

6273d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Do you really want to know who will ever get there first? Wait for the cheap ( bargain basement/no name brands ) players - mostly coming from China that will eventually crop-up after the popular name brands have had their HD-DVD or Blu-Ray dvd sales pitch going, then you'll all know what of this ( 2 ) formats the consumers will buy at the shops... Costs will always drive us regular hard-working moms and dads which one works in our budgets.

6274d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

They have gotten more complicated with a lot of minute parts showing ( could be a plus/minus on how the machineries would basically move and interact w/ each other and w/ the background sets... ) ), wonder how the gameplay will be.

6274d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Looks better than the much-overhyped ( Motorstorm -- short life-span playability, smashing slow-mo vid gets a bit too boring/gimmicky... ), saw a clip where the bonnet was smashed-off on one of the cars and you can see the engine moving w/ every rev as is the suspension, cleverly thought-out level of crash simulation and especially the different choice of in-car camera shots. With that much number of trucks, buggies and cult rallye to choose from this is shaping up to be one of those must-hav...

6275d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Responsibilities and guns are a totally baseless answer to what could happen if an incident occurs. Just take a look at your vice-president, second-in-command, a responsible ( ?! ) person - accidentally firing a gun at a pal of his' - lucky bastard ( from close range!! ) while hunting. Are you saying your going to be responsible enough to ( properly ) aim and shoot your gun at someone when something extremely unexpected happens that would probably endanger your life and/or some innocent bysta...

6275d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hope they could simplify the story which was more effective and very creepy like in the very first Silent Hill ( PS1 ), and then they could up-the ante on the puzzles, ghostly sounds and gore factor for the various un-godly creatures and special effects. Definitely take-out those dizzying camera angles which shifts a lot on ( Inner Fears - SH2 ). This game truly is the best in the psychological-horror genre.

6275d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Far way better than Motorstorm ( gimmick crashes - getting boring to see all the time ) not many varieties, it's not a game you'll be playing for a long while, but this one definetly will... good choice of different in-car camera shots, clever that they'ved included a lot of cult-classic rallye cars in the mix. Tops!

6275d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is like all the XBox 360 fanboys criticizing the PS3 for being everything except a game console... Now the jokes on you as well. I totally agree with the article. Besides it being black ( trying to imitate/ and possibly take away sales from Sony ) plus the only added feature of HDMI ( for your movie viewing pleasure ), it's nothing but a distraction and a con to all who bought the first-gen XBox 360, besides the white colour actually looks a lot better, and if you want to dress it up any...

6275d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Gaming is not the cause of this killings. Those of us who are not from the U.S. truly believe it is your stupid gun-laws that is more of a deciding factor why this sort of things happen in your country. Some of your country-folk with their blatant percpetion that by having a gun gives them the protection they need in some extreme situations is just wrong. And the lack of judgement by the gun shops in your country is another. People with guns gives them a wrong mindset of power, given that Pow...

6276d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

PS1 changed a lot of peoples' perception towards gaming, that's why it truly deserved to be No.1... But then some of the others' should'nt even be there in the first place, they were merely picked for the reason of memorabilia - because a lot of them failed and that is not a good basis to give them these titles. Also a lot were hand-helds which I think is not categorized as true consoles.

6276d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The sex industry is still probably waiting for that elusive ( make or break ) game format/fetish, and for the graphics to get that much more pleasing on the eye for the market to really push-on. Think at the moment most sex/y games that are out could have been more better in the polygon count. This will definitely get better overtime anyway and would sell very well once it's been improved. Sex sells, you and I know this...

6277d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

These marketing-hypes keep releasing statistics and charts about PS3 sales going thru the roof, when in reality and I think everybody knows this is all False. And the once who cop their failures are the poor employees down below, which is truly sad... Blatant arrogance by those on the top who keep taking more bonuses should be the once given the boot... Maybe the fanboys can help by buying ( 3 ) PS3's for each instead of the one.

6277d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I was so very dissapointed when I tried playing ( Motorstorm ) - so over-hyped and so regular, ( F1 ) - fantastic real next-gen graphics, but ruined by stupid control pads w/out the all important force feedback { rumble }. And they're offering us AU$1,000.00 excluding games for what's supposed to be the next-gen console. And fact of the matter is - graphics-wise compared to XBox 360, really it's just a small difference, nothing to brag about ( only if your truly anal retentive on this sort of...

6277d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment

Does'nt it look stupidly wrong when you see cars ricocheting once it crashes onto something??!!! And on one of the ( supposedley best ) racing games which offer the best graphics money can buy, and also it's now their 5th installment on this series - authentic or not, they should at least implement a sort of control where you can activate/de-activate damage-mode. And Sony, also bring back the rumble-pack on your control pads... I was playing F1 on the PS3 and the all important sensation of ac...

6277d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's good that Microsoft has admitted to these faulty consoles, now they should also put-out a statement on their websites about this problems and possibly repair/replace them. Every consumer deserves to get their money's worth considering how expensive these consoles are, and also the game softwares. And to those fanboys who keep defending that it might be the consumers' who are at fault - let me tell you, that you are also one. Don't defend these rich manufacturers especially on this sort o...

6279d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment